Status update

Status update, originally uploaded by sirtimbly.

We are back in the springs and Becca is still hooked up to the

machines. Her parents are here and are a huge help for us. The phrase

she uses to respond to questions of how she is doing is "up and down."


Spokesmodel, originally uploaded by sirtimbly.

Early morning appointment with Dr. Phillipon to check up on the hip.

Becca is enjoying her Gatorade. Starting to feel a little better now.

We have to give a shout out to the Wingerts for having our backs on

the pill schedule. Their well times calls kept us on track. Thanks!

Still Hanging In There

The surgery went well and everything seems to be going the way it should. Becca is resting between Physical Therapy sessions, and taking lots of pills. She feels kinda sick at the moment, but it’s been a stressful few days, and there is lots of medicine doing all kinds of things to her.

She is moving around pretty well now in the crutches. It’s a lot better this year than last year because she isn’t suffering through those spinal headaches. Really it’s amazing how much she can move around after having such a major surgery.

We are kinda wiped out from a cold that we picked up right before surgery. Sleep would be nice. I should get some of that.

Thank you all for your prayers and concern, things have really come together for us here. Over the past couple of months we have gone through a lot of emotional ups and downs, wondering if this surgery was going to happen. Now it’s happened and we are just now starting to look forward to what we’re going to do after Becca has recovered. We leave here on Saturday.