She fell for me

Last week we were walking down our hallway arms full of groceries and Simon too. I wasn’t looking… Becca had an untied shoelace and next thing I know boom she’s taken a hard fall in the hallway. It was late. The next morning we went into urgent care and then the ER to see how bad it was. Nothing is broken, apparently, but Becca can barely walk on the left foot or use her wrist. It’s been a long few days, 5 months pregnant and with a needy 1 year old. Oy.

So, we have had friends come over and watch Simon during the day so I can go to work. It’s not getting better very quickly, so we are just trying to take things one day at a time. Simon doesn’t really understand that mommy can’t do what she usually can, right now.


But, sometimes they get to enjoy a moment together.